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MOTORCYCLE TIRE WEIGHT - What does a tire weigh.

MOTORCYCLE TIRE WEIGHT - What does a tire weigh.


Many motorcyclists who use carbon rims do this, among other things, to reduce the weight of the accelerated mass.
Since the weight on the unsprung mass, i.e. on the whole bike, is important, one tries to save weight on the tires and even the brake discs.

What does a motorcycle tire weigh?

We also maintain the weight of each individual tire in our database, as we need this, among other things, to calculate the shipping costs.
The weight of motorcycle tires varies from model to model and varies between 4 to 8 or 9 kg.

Sports or racing tires are built to be particularly light, but with heavy motorcycles it is advantageous if the tires also have a little more mass.

MOTORCYCLE TIRE WEIGHT - What does a tire weigh.
MOTORCYCLE TIRE WEIGHT - What does a tire weigh.
MOTORCYCLE TIRE WEIGHT - What does a tire weigh.
MOTORCYCLE TIRE WEIGHT - What does a tire weigh.
MOTORCYCLE TIRE WEIGHT - What does a tire weigh.

What is the load index (load index) for motorcycle tires?

Is the coding which indicates the maximum permissible load for motorcycles.
The index is noted on the side of the tire. A table can be used to determine the maximum permissible load per tire in kilograms.

Loadindex  load/Tyre [kg]
019 00077,5
020 00080
021 00082,5
022 00085
023 00087,5
024 00090
025 00092,5
026 00095
027 00097,5
028 00100
029 00103
030 00106
031 00109
032 00112
033 00115
034 00118
035 00121
036 00125
037 00128
038 00132
039 00136
040 00140
041 00145
042 00150
043 00155
044 00160
045 00165
046 00170
047 00175
048 00180
049 00185
050 00190
051 00195
052 00200
053 00206
054 00212
055 00218
056 00224
057 00230
058 00236
059 00243
060 00250
061 00257
062 00265
063 00272
064 00280
065 00290
066 00300
067 00307
068 00315
069 00325
070 00335
071 00345
072 00355
073 00365
074 00375
075 00387
076 00400
077 00412
078 00425
079 00437
080 00450
Loadindex load/Tyre [kg]
081 00462
082 00475
083 00487
084 00500
085 00515
086 00530
087 00545
088 00560
089 00580
090 00600
091 00615
092 00630
093 00650
094 00670
095 00690
096 00710
097 00730
098 00750
099 00775
100 00800
101 00830
102 00850
103 00875
104 00900
105 00925
106 00950
107 00975
108 01000
109 01030
110 01060
111 01090
112 01120
113 01150
114 01180
115 01215
116 01250
117 01285
118 01320
119 01360
120 01400
121 01450
122 01500
123 01550
124 01600
125 01650
126 01700
127 01750
128 01800
129 01850
130 01900
131 01950
132 02000
133 02060
134 02120
135 02180
136 02240
137 02300
138 02360
139 02430
140 02500
141 02575
142 02650
Loadindex load/Tyre [kg]
143 02725
144 02800
145 02900
146 03000
147 03075
148 03150
149 03250
150 03350
151 03450
152 03550
153 03650
154 03750
155 03875
156 04000
157 04125
158 04250
159 04375
160 04500
161 04625
162 04750
163 04875
164 05000
165 05150
166 05300
167 05450
168 05600
169 05850
170 06000
171 06150
172 06300
173 06500
174 06700
175 06900
176 07100
177 07300
178 07500
179 07750
180 08000
181 08250
182 08500
183 08750
184 09000
185 09250
186 09500
187 09750
188 10000
189 10300
190 10600
191 10900
192 11200
193 11500
194 11800
195 12150
196 12500
197 12850
198 13200
199 13600
200 14000
201 14500
202 15000
203 15550
204 16000

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