Dunlop RoadSmart in the third generation - Roadsmart III

Dunlop's RoadSmart 3 has been developed to offer class leading mileage combined with high grip levels in both wet and dry conditions. The Roadsmart III offers improved rider feed back, comfort and high soeed satbility.

You can preorder the Dunlop Roadsmart 3 in the online store for motorcycle tyres myNETmoto >>

Available January 2016 in following sizes:


120/60 ZR17
120/70 ZR17
130/70 ZR17

120/70 ZR18


160/60 ZR17
160/70 ZR17
170/60 ZR17
180/55 ZR17
190/50 ZR17
190/55 ZR17
190/60 ZR17

150/70 ZR18
170/60 ZR18

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